Many of us grew up with the idea that to succeed in life we've got to work hard. Study many hours a day, be the nº 1 student in class, win the podium medals at all times, be the best player no matter what. The hard work idea, is embedded in performance cultures that are still dominant in the western world. Both in our homes and work settings. The emphasis is placed in results, often times undermining psychological safety. Even though the common language today is around the importance of experimentation and the search for new ways, specially in times of uncertainty, people often get punished for failures and mistakes. As a consequence, they become worried about proving their competence and protecting themselves. The pressure to conform to authority is real and our increasing lack of confidence in our expertise will lead to obedience to the norm and the death of creativity. The idea of Hard Work, is associated with long working hours, placing work as the maximum priority and ...
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