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A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2021


  We have a natural or unconscious tendency to resist new or anything going against our perceptions and beliefs. Especially if there is a paradox involved. In fact, our attitudes and beliefs are the software programs driving us everyday on life's journey. So it is easy to polarize, look at the two sides of the same coin and choose one side as the "right one" and stick to it. And it becomes our absolute truth. The higher the resistance from both sides, the greater chances for us to hold on ferociously to our "own truth" and begin the right vs wrong battle for the one and only sacred truth - our own of course!  Today more that ever we see a polarized world. And an increasing pressure to take a stand and choose a side. The more distant and extreme the different views are, the more we feel the pressure of "if you are not with us - or like us - then you are against us."  This is the shape of a wary world and life, where we have to defend ourselves and our t...


  "If you are not making a lot of mistakes and failing, you are going to be mediocre. Because if you are not making mistakes and failing, you are doing what you did yesterday."  (Richard Branson) When do we stop asking questions to advance growth and learning? How often do we ask ourselves about what do we want to experience in life? How do we want to grow and develop ourselves? Or how do we want to contribute to the world? Regardless our age. Is your life filled with joy and connection? Do you dedicate your time, energy and commitment to the things you value the most? Does "those things" value you back? Or do you sit behind the same desk for over a decade, repeating similar sequences and routines over and over again? Going out there, exploring the world, trying new things might be an amazing opening and flourishing strategy to experience novelty, learning and evolving. If you are open to the right mind, spiritual and heart set for the experience. If not, you will b...


  What is your definition of success? Pause for a moment and think about it. List the top 3 things that need to happen in your life in order for you to feel successful. Or if you believe you are successful, what is your criteria? What are the first things that come to your mind?  Is it about reaching something - like a degree, a job position or a podium prize? Or having something - like a certain house, a car or status? Or getting along with certain people?  Have you ever got what you wanted, but then found yourself unsatisfied, wanting more? You might be thinking about success in terms of upward gains, continually acquiring more and doing better. This happens for many of us naturally: consciously or unconsciously we rank ourselves and others according to our external achievements. Many societies and the environments where we live, teach us success as a scarcity formula. That success means reaching the top of something and only a few can reach it. And no matter what we sh...