We have a natural or unconscious tendency to resist new or anything going against our perceptions and beliefs. Especially if there is a paradox involved. In fact, our attitudes and beliefs are the software programs driving us everyday on life's journey. So it is easy to polarize, look at the two sides of the same coin and choose one side as the "right one" and stick to it. And it becomes our absolute truth. The higher the resistance from both sides, the greater chances for us to hold on ferociously to our "own truth" and begin the right vs wrong battle for the one and only sacred truth - our own of course! Today more that ever we see a polarized world. And an increasing pressure to take a stand and choose a side. The more distant and extreme the different views are, the more we feel the pressure of "if you are not with us - or like us - then you are against us." This is the shape of a wary world and life, where we have to defend ourselves and our t...
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